Enrollment forms

Build out your application with questions a family will answer in order to apply to your center

Stephanie Blitshtein avatar
Written by Stephanie Blitshtein
Updated over a week ago

When creating a new listing, the fourth Forms page will ask if you'd like to "Use existing form" or "Create new form".

If you choose to "Use existing form", the Select existing form screen will appear with a drop-down menu to choose an existing form from your dashboard. Once you've selected the form, click "Link form". The existing form will populate into your listing.

If you've selected the wrong form, click the red "Unlink form" option to remove the form from your listing. Confirm you'd like to unlink the form to be brought back to the create form screen where you can start to build a new form.

If you select to "Create new form", the default student and guardian templates will populate with the "Add field" button at the bottom so you can begin to build your enrollment form. By default, the form requires basic student information and the name of one guardian. All forms created through a listing will populate to your Forms tab in the Paperwork section of the Admin Dashboard.

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