Onboarding FAQ

Frequently asked questions about the transition to Playground.

Stephanie Blitshtein avatar
Written by Stephanie Blitshtein
Updated over a week ago

How will all of my students be migrated into Playground?

A roster with student data can be uploaded into Playground in order to bulk migrate all students' data into the dashboard. Students can also be added manually. If you are transitioning from another software, the onboarding team will assist in downloading a data file from your current software.

How are parents invited to Playground?

With one click, all parents are send the sign-up email. In the email, parents will be asked to create an account simply by setting up a password.

How will my staff learn to use Playground?

The center's administrator can choose to schedule a staff training Zoom for their staff members or they can share the 10 minute staff training video that will have teachers using Playground in minutes.

Can historical data be uploaded?

Although we recommend starting with current data in Playground, items like completed documents or historical transactions can be uploaded into Playground.

What support is available to me as I onboard?

All administrators will have access to a dedicated Onboarding manager that you can call, email, or schedule Zoom calls with. Live chat and full access to the Help Center are also available.

Will my parents need two separate tax documents at the end of the year?

Yes. For example, if you switch to Playground in June, you will send a tax statement from your previous software for January - June and a tax statement from Playground for June - December.

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