Food program management FAQ

Manage all of your student's meals and subsidies in Playground.

Stephanie Blitshtein avatar
Written by Stephanie Blitshtein
Updated over a week ago

Can I record the specific food items that the student ate?

Yes, when recording an Eating activity, teachers or admins can specify the specific food, amounts, or meal that the student ate.

Does Playground accommodate CACFP?

Absolutely! Playground has built out specific functionality and reports that make subsidized meal programs at your school a breeze. You can record specific meals, tag students to a specific meal subsidy program and generate a CACFP report.

Can I run my Hot Lunch program through Playground?

Yes, you can create a Hot Lunch program that guardians can sign up for when enrolling to your school or once they are already accepted. Charge families your hot lunch fees directly through the app.

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