Paperwork expiration dates

Set an expiration date on forms, documents or file requests.

Stephanie Blitshtein avatar
Written by Stephanie Blitshtein
Updated over a week ago

Expiration dates can be added to forms, documents, and file requests. There are two types of expiration dates that you can set on paperwork:

  • Expiration after a certain number of months after submission

  • Expiration on a specific date

Forms and document expiration date

When creating or editing a form or document, navigate to the Settings tab at the top of the edit screen. Toggle the "Expiration date" setting on so it turns blue. Select the type of expiration date you'd like for the form or document. Click "Save changes" at the bottom.

File Request expiration date

When creating or editing a File Request, toggle the "Expiration date" setting on so it turns blue. Select the type of expiration date you'd like for the form or document. Click "Save changes" at the bottom.

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