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Tracking & Reporting Expenses for Family Child Care
Tracking & Reporting Expenses for Family Child Care

Learn how to track your expenses and report on data logged

Courtney Ambielli avatar
Written by Courtney Ambielli
Updated over 5 months ago

Tracking your expenses in Playground keeps all expense data within one easy to access location. Administrators are able to track expenses manually and/or automatically. You can even include mileage and receipts!

Manually Track Expenses

The manual expense tracking tool can be used to record business expenses. To create a new expense, follow the steps below:

  1. Navigate to Overview under the Expenses tab.

  2. Click on the Time/Space % calculator and complete the window presented. This will calculate the number of hours dedicated to business per year, the percentage of time using home for child care and your total business use of your home.

  3. Click the blue Add expense button in the top right corner of your screen. The Add Expense window will appear.

  4. Enter the date the expense was incurred and the total dollar amount.

  5. All other fields are optional. See below for a description of each optional field.

    1. Merchant name: add a merchant name to help you remember where you incurred the expense.

    2. Category: Click the box to expand the dropdown list of categories. To add a category to your list, click the blue + Add Category button.

    3. User: Assign an expense to a specific staff member in Playground.

    4. Memo: add a memo to record any details you need

    5. Expense classification: expenses can be categorized as either business expenses, percentage of business use, or time space usage. Refer to the table for a detailed explanation of each classification.

      1. If you select Percent Business Use, specify the percentage of the expense that should be recorded as a business expense.

      2. If you select Time space usage, ensure you have completed the time space percentage calculator.

    6. Click Add Receipt to upload a picture of your receipt. This will open your computer's finder window. Click here to learn more about adding receipts via your mobile device.

    7. Click Add Mileage to log your trip. Click here to learn more about tracking your mileage.

  6. If you have more expenses to record, toggle on Create More to add multiple expenses in the same window.

  7. When you are done adding and editing your expenses, click Save Expense.

Expense Classifications



Business expense

Costs incurred solely for business operations

Diapers for your daycare kiddos

Percent business use

Expenses that are partially used for business

If I buy $100 worth of milk and $90 of this is going to my child care my percent business use would be %90.

Time space usage

Shared expenses based on time/space used for business

If I buy a rug for my living room and the kiddos play in this space as well.

Automated Expense Tracking

Automate your expense tracking by using Playground Spend Cards. Playground Spend Cards are debit cards funded by your Stripe balance or your bank account. There are absolutely no added fees in using spend cards.

Register your account

  1. From the Admin Dashboard on the left of the screen, navigate to the Expenses tab and click Manage Cards.

  2. Click the blue Get Started button. You'll see "Terms of Service agreement" window. From there, click the blue Register account at the bottom right corner of the window.

  3. Once your account is registered, you can manage card limits, track spending, and download spending statements for your Playground cards.

Add and create a card on Playground

  1. Navigate to the Card management window of the Expenses tab, click either of the blue + Add card in the middle of the screen or at the top right. Both will navigate you to the same place.

  2. Under Card type click select an option. Choose a physical or virtual card. Virtual cards can only be used online. Physical cards can be used anywhere.

  3. Enter a name under Card name. This is an internal name, and will not be visible to the cardholder.

  4. Select a staff member on the Card user to assign to cardholder. Then, click Next.

  5. Add shipping and billing information and click Create card

Deposit money to your balance

  1. In the Expenses Overview tab of the admin dashboard, click Manage balance on the right side of the screen to make a deposit

  2. You can track Deposits & Withdrawals to and from your bank account on this tab. Click manage funds on the right side of the screen and Add funds to make a deposit.

Set spending limits on your Playground card

  1. Under the Expenses tab in the admin dashboard click Manage cards to control expense limits.

  2. Set customized limits for this card to decide if purchases get authorized or declined. Aggregate limit can be Interval based, Balanced based, or none. Balance based will reset the spending limit to the amount you enter, beginning today and with no expiration date. You can change this limit at any time.

  3. Interval based aggregate limit can be selected on a weekly or monthly basis.

Manage your balance and funds on Playground

  1. In the Expenses Overview tab, you will see Manage balance to the right of the screen.

  2. Next, click Manage funds. Here you can add funds and automatic deposits.

  3. Adding funds requires a deposit amount and funding source to confirm.

  4. Adding automatic deposits allow Playground to automatically transfer funds when your balance falls below a specified amount.

  5. Creating a deposit rule will allow Playground to automatically debit your bank account when balance falls below your set amount. This can be cancelled at any time.

Reporting on expenses

  1. Navigate to the Reports tab.

  2. Click on the Expenses tile.

  3. Customize your start and end date.

  4. Click Generate Report.

  5. All reports generated in playground are able to be emailed, printed and/or exported

Working with Expenses on Mobile

From the mobile app, you can quickly access your expense data, add new expenses, and upload receipts.

Add New Expenses

  1. Navigate to the hamburger icon in the mobile app and tap on the Expenses tab.

  2. Click the blue "+" in the top right corner.

  3. Enter the Date, Amount, Merchant Name, and Category. You will also have the option to add a Memo if needed.

  4. After the required fields are filled out, tap the Done button to add the expense.

Upload Receipt

  1. Navigate to the hamburger icon in the mobile app and tap on the Expenses tab.

  2. You will see all logged expenses her as well as the ability to add receipts by tapping on Missing receipt >.

  3. Tap on the blue Add button.

  4. Add your receipt in via taking a photo or referencing your media library.

💡 You must have a Playground card issued to you for expenses to populate on the mobile app.

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