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View Menu as a Family

Learn how to navigate scheduled menus on the Playground app

Adrian Ruiz avatar
Written by Adrian Ruiz
Updated over 8 months ago

Stay up to date on your childcare provider's menu offerings. View the full menu for the day or any future date a menu has been added efficiently and quickly via the Calendar on the Playground mobile application.

Locate and view the menu for a given day

💡 On the Playground app, recorded menu items for the day will be visible on the Feed.

  1. Log in to your account on Playground's mobile app

  2. Tap on the three blue horizontal lines in the top-left of your mobile app

    1. This opens the side navigation panel

  3. Tap on Calendar

    1. You will be seeing a week at a time

  4. Under each date, you'll see the scheduled events you're invited to

    1. You can find the menu quickly as the title for the calendar event start with the words Menu for [date]

      1. Ex. Menu for Aug 3rd - the menu offerings on August 3rd

  5. Tap on the Menu for event to view the schedule meals

  6. Tap on the back arrow on the top-left to return to the Calendar

  7. Scroll to another day and tap on the Menu for event to view another day's menu offerings

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