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Add & Manage Guardians as a Family

Add, invite, remove, or edit guardian profiles from the Playground mobile application

Stephanie Blitshtein avatar
Written by Stephanie Blitshtein
Updated over 7 months ago

As a guardian, you have full control over who can access your student's information, including billing and paperwork, all from the convenience of your mobile device. With Playground's mobile app, you can easily manage guardian profiles, including adding, inviting, removing, or editing them at any time.

📱 Guardians can only be managed from the Playground Mobile App.

💡 If you suddenly lose access to features in Playground, it is likely because another guardian in your family or an admin at your school changed your guardian permissions. Please reach out to a primary guardian in your family or an admin at your school to resolve the issue.

Add Guardians

Log in to the Playground mobile app to add guardians to your student's profile.

  1. Tap the three horizontal lines in the top left corner of your screen to open the sidebar. Then tap Guardians.

  2. Tap the blue Add Guardians button at the bottom of the screen or tap the plus(+) sign at the top-right of your screen.

  3. Enter the name and email of the guardian.

    1. [Optional] Click Add Photo to add a profile photo from your camera roll.

  4. Tap Select a Relationship and pick the appropriate relationship for the new guardian as it relates to your student. Then, select the appropriate Role for this guardian.

  5. [Optional] Enter a phone number and address for the guardian.

  6. Once complete, tap the blue Done button at the top-right of your screen.

  7. A green banner will appear, indicating that you have successfully added the guardian.

💡 The guardian will receive an email inviting them to create a Playground account.

Change Guardian Permissions

Primary guardians can edit the permissions for their students' other guardians. Permission editing is only available on the Playground mobile app. However, assigned permissions will apply to guardians when they log in to Playground on the web.

Permission Type


Pick-up Authorization

Billing Authorization

Primary Guardian

Primary guardians will have access to all Playground features and can manage permissions for other guardians. Only the primary guardian will have access to the student schedule and school calendar.



Family Member

Family members can view the feed, chat, and the ability to check a student in and out.



Family Member + Billing

This permission type has billing access in addition to family member access.



Authorized Pickup

Authorized pickups only have the ability to check a student in and out.



Billing Only

Billing access only.



Emergency Contact

Listed as a guardian but has no access to Playground.



🚨 If a guardian is changed from any permission type to Emergency Contact, they will lose their ability to log into Playground.

Change a Guardian's Permissions:

  1. Log into the Playground App on your mobile device.

  2. Tap the three lines in the top left corner of your device. The sidebar will open.

  3. Tap the Guardians tab and select the guardian whose permissions you want to change.

  4. Tap the three dots in the upper right corner of your device. Then select Edit Guardian.

  5. Tap the dropdown that lists the guardian's current permission type. Then, select the new permission type that should be applied to the guardian. You will be returned to the Edit Guardian screen.

  6. Click the blue Done text in the top right corner of your screen to save your changes. A banner will appear confirming that the changes have been made.

Invite Guardians

All guardians added to Playground will receive a signup email immediately. If the guardian doesn't receive the email, please have them check their spam folder and verify that their email address is entered correctly. To resend the signup link, follow the steps below:

  1. Tap the three horizontal lines in the top left corner of your screen to open the sidebar. Then tap Guardians.

  2. Select the guardian to whom you want to resend the signup link. The guardian's profile will open.

  3. Tap the three dots in the top right corner of the screen, then tap Send Signup Link.

  4. The guardian will receive a new email invitation to create a Playground account.

Edit a Guardian Profile

  1. Tap the three horizontal lines in the top left corner of your screen to open the sidebar. Then tap Guardians.

  2. Select the guardian you want to edit. The guardian's profile will open.

  3. Tap the three dots in the top right corner of the screen, then tap Edit Guardian.

  4. Update the necessary information, then click Done in the top right corner of your screen.

Delete a Guardian

🚨 Deleting a guardian is an irreversible action. Once deleted, guardians will no longer have access to your student in Playground. If you accidentally delete a guardian, you can add them back to Playground at any time.

  1. Tap the three horizontal lines in the top left corner of your screen to open the sidebar. Then tap Guardians.

  2. Select the guardian you want to delete. The guardian's profile will open.

  3. Tap the three dots in the top right corner of the screen, then tap Delete.

  4. Tap Yes, I Am Sure to confirm this action.

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