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Paperwork for Guardians

Learn how to upload paperwork to the Playground website and mobile app.

Molly Farber avatar
Written by Molly Farber
Updated over 7 months ago

Guardians can complete student paperwork directly on the Playground mobile app or website. There are four different types of paperwork and three types a guardian can complete:

  • Fillable PDFs: School-uploaded documents to be completed by guardians

  • File requests: Documents requested by school to be uploaded by guardians

  • Forms: Questions to be answered by guardians

  • Resources: Documents that can be viewed by guardians

Paperwork on the Playground Mobile App

View Paperwork on Mobile

  1. Login to Playground on your mobile device.

  2. Tap the three lines at the top left corner of your screen (hamburger icon) to expand the sidebar. Then tap Paperwork.

  3. You will see all the paperwork assigned to your student on this screen.

  4. Tap on the Fillable PDF, Form, File Request, or Resource that you would like to view.

    • To view a submitted or incomplete Fillable PDF, tap the document name and then tap Open PDF.

💡 If you have multiple students, you can toggle between All and your students' names at the top of your screen. Tap All to view the paperwork for all of your students. Tap a specific student's name to view the paperwork for one student at a time.

Complete Paperwork on Mobile

From the Playground mobile app, you can complete Fillable PDFs, File Requests, and Forms. If paperwork is incomplete, you will see a grey box that says Incomplete next to the document name.

Complete a Fillable PDF on Mobile

  1. Tap on the three lines (hamburger icon) in the top left corner of your screen and then select Paperwork.

  2. Tap the Fillable PDF that you would like to complete. Three options will appear:

    • Send myself link: tap this to send a link to your email to fill out the document online

    • Complete document: tap this to open the document and fill it out from your mobile device. When you are done filling out the form, click submit.

    • Open PDF: tap this to open a PDF version of the document to view only.

  3. Fill in the required fields (red boxes) and any optional fields you would like, then tap submit.

Complete a File Request on Mobile

  1. Tap on the three lines (hamburger icon) in the top left corner of your screen and then select Paperwork.

  2. Tap the File Request that you would like to complete or click the blue + plus icon.

  3. Tap on Upload an image to open your mobile device's media gallery. Choose the photo you would like to upload and then tap Done.

  4. Tap Upload Document to save.

💡 If you click on a completed file request, you can view or delete the uploaded document.

Complete a Form on Mobile

  1. Tap on the three lines (hamburger icon) in the top left corner of your screen and then select Paperwork.

  2. Tap the Form that you would like to complete.

  3. Answer all required questions and any optional fields that you'd like.

  4. Click the blue Submit button at the bottom of the screen.

Edit Paperwork on Mobile

From the Playground mobile app, you can edit and replace Fillable PDFs, File Requests, and Forms. If paperwork is incomplete, you will see a grey box that says Incomplete next to the document name. You will not be able to edit or replace incomplete paperwork.

Edit a Fillable PDF on Mobile

  1. Tap on the three lines (hamburger icon) in the top left corner of your screen and then select Paperwork.

  2. Tap the Fillable PDF that you would like to edit. From the bottom of your screen, a menu of options will appear:

    • Send myself link: tap this to send a link to your email to edit the document online

    • Complete document: tap this to open the document in order to edit it on mobile.

    • Open PDF: tap this to open a PDF version of the document to view only.

    • Cancel: tap this if you have decided that you do not want to edit this PDF.

  3. To edit the PDF on mobile, tap Complete Document.

    1. Tap into the fields that you would like to edit and make your desired changes.

    2. Ensure all required fields are filled out with the correct information, then tap submit at the top or bottom right hand side of your screen. The edited PDF has been submitted.

  4. If you prefer to edit the PDF online, tap Send Myself Link.

    1. Check your email inbox for a new email from Playground with the subject line "You have paperwork to complete."

    2. Click Fill out paperwork and edit the desired fields in the document that opens.

  5. Ensure all required fields are filled out with the correct information, then click submit at the top or bottom right hand side of your screen. The edited PDF has been submitted.

Replace a File Request on Mobile

  1. Tap on the three lines (hamburger icon) in the top left corner of your screen and then select Paperwork.

  2. Tap the blue + plus icon to the right of File Requests.

  3. Tap on Select Document under Document Type in order to choose the document that you are replacing. Tap on the appropriate document type.

  4. Tap on Upload an image to open your mobile device's media gallery. Choose the photo you would like to upload and then tap Done.

  5. Tap Upload Document to save. You will be taken back to the paperwork screen.

  6. To delete the document you want to replace, tap on the three dots to the right hand side of the document name. Tap Delete Document.

  7. Confirm that you would like to delete the document by tapping Remove Document.

Edit a Form on Mobile

  1. Tap on the three lines (hamburger icon) in the top left corner of your screen and then select Paperwork.

  2. Tap the Form that you would like to edit.

  3. Tap into the fields that you would like to edit and make the desired changes.

  4. Ensure all required fields are filled out with the correct information, then click submit one the left hand side below the last field in the form. The edited form has been submitted.

💡 If you are not able to click into the fields to edit a Fillable PDF or a Form as was instructed above, your administrator may have configured settings that prevent you from performing this action. Please contact your administrator to request the ability to edit the paperwork.

Paperwork on the Playground Website

From the Playground website, you can submit paperwork, view completed paperwork, delete old paperwork, and view resources. If you have required paperwork to complete, you will see a red number icon next to Forms, Fillable PDFs, or File Requests.

View Completed Paperwork on Web

  1. Login to Playground on a Chrome or Safari browser.

  2. Click the Paperwork tab on the left-hand side, then click the Form, File Request, Fillable PDF, or Resource that you would like to view.

  3. Click the blue view button to the right of the document. If a document is not completed, the view button will not appear. Resources do not need to be completed and will always be viewable.

Complete Paperwork on Web

Complete a Form on Web

  1. Click the Paperwork tab on the left-hand side of your Admin Dashboard, then click Forms.

  2. The Forms tab shows all of your center's forms. If you've completed a form, its status will read Submitted.

  3. Click the blue Fill Out button to start or edit a form. Fill out all the required fields (marked with red asterisks) and any optional fields you'd like.

  4. Click Submit at the very bottom of the form.

  5. When the form is complete, you'll be returned to the Forms tab, where the document will now show Submitted and have a submitted date

Complete a Fillable PDF on Web

  1. Click the Paperwork tab on the left-hand side of your Admin Dashboard, then click Fillable PDFs.

  2. If you have not completed a File Request, click the blue Fill Out button. If you have submitted a File Request but would like to resubmit it, click the blue Resubmit button.

  3. Fill out all the required fields (red boxes) and any optional fields you'd like. The top of the screen will tell you how many required fields are remaining.

  4. Click the blue Submit button at the bottom of the screen. Click the blue Back Home button to return to the paperwork screen.

Upload a File Request on Web

  1. Click the Paperwork tab on the left-hand side of your Admin Dashboard, then click File Requests.

  2. If you have not submitted the file, click upload. If you have already submitted the file but would like to submit a new one, click Reupload.

  3. Click in the grey rectangle that reads Click here to choose a file. Your computer finder will open to choose a file.

  4. Select the document that you want to upload and then click the blue Save button.

Edit Paperwork on Web

Edit a Form on Web

Click the Paperwork tab on the left-hand side of your Admin Dashboard, then click Forms.

  1. The Forms tab shows all of your center's forms. If you've completed a form, its status will read Submitted.

  2. Click the blue Resubmit button to edit a form.

  3. Click into any field that needs to be edited and make the desired changes.

  4. Click Submit at the very bottom of the form.

  5. When the edited form is submitted, you'll be returned to the Forms tab, where the document will show a new Submitted date, for today's date.

Edit a Fillable PDF on Web

  1. Click the Paperwork tab on the left-hand side of your Admin Dashboard, then click Fillable PDFs.

  2. To edit a previously submitted document, click the blue Resubmit button next to the date when the document was previously submitted.

  3. Click into any field that needs to be edited and make the desired changes.

  4. Ensure all required fields are filled out with the correct information, then click Submit at the top or bottom right hand side of your screen. The edited PDF has been submitted.

  5. Click Back Home to return to the Fillable PDFs tab and view the new Submitted date and updated document.

Replace a File Request on Web

Click the Paperwork tab on the left-hand side of your Admin Dashboard, then click File Requests.

  1. Within the File Requests tab, please identify the file that you would like to replace.

  2. Click the blue Reupload button to replace a file.

  3. Click in the grey rectangle that reads Click here to choose a file. Your computer finder will open to choose a file.

  4. Select the document that you want to upload and then click the blue Save button.

  5. When the edited file is submitted, you'll be returned to the File Requests, where the file will show a new Submitted date, for today's date.

💡 If you are not able to click into the fields to edit a Fillable PDF or a Form as was instructed above, your administrator may have configured settings that prevent you from performing this action. Please contact your administrator to request the ability to edit the paperwork.

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