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Provider Paperwork

Paperwork only accessible to providers for their records

Adrian Ruiz avatar
Written by Adrian Ruiz
Updated over a month ago

The provider paperwork section is a location for providers to upload their specific paperwork in a place where only they have access to it. This is a great location for licensing files, for example.

Creating Provider paperwork

Providers can create Forms, Fillable PDFs, File Requests, and Resources along with uploading Tax forms to the different tabs listed which match the different file types.

To create a paperwork file in your Provider paperwork section:

  1. Navigate to the Paperwork tab

  2. Click on Provider paperwork

  3. On the top-right of the screen, click on the blue Create button

  4. Select the type of file you'd like to create:

Uploading submissions to provider paperwork

The files under the Provider paperwork section can have different submissions uploaded to them for your records.

Provider Forms

  1. Navigate to the Paperwork tab

  2. Click on Provider paperwork

  3. Click on Forms

  4. Locate the file, and then click on the blue Add submission option on the same row

  5. You'll be prompted to complete a blank version of that form

Provider Fillable PDFs

  1. Navigate to the Paperwork tab

  2. Click on Provider paperwork

  3. Click on Fillable PDFs

  4. Locate the file, and then click on the blue Add submission option on the same row

  5. You'll be prompted to complete a blank version of that PDF

Provider File Requests

  1. Navigate to the Paperwork tab

  2. Click on Provider paperwork

  3. Click on File Requests

  4. Locate the file, and then click on the blue Add submission option on the same row

  5. You'll be prompted to submit a file

Viewing submissions on Provider paperwork

To view submissions to the Provider paperwork:

  1. Navigate to Paperwork

  2. Click on Provider paperwork

  3. Click on the file type you want to view the submission for

    1. Forms

    2. Fillable PDFs

    3. File Requests

    4. Resources

  4. Click on the arrow next to the name of the file on the left-hand side

    1. This will open the submissions view to view all submissions to that file

  5. Click on View to view the submission

Editing submissions on Provider paperwork

To edit submissions on the Provider paperwork:

  1. Navigate to Paperwork

  2. Click on Provider paperwork

  3. Click on the file type you want to edit the submission for

    1. Forms

    2. Fillable PDFs

    3. File Requests

    4. Resources

  4. Click on the arrow next to the name of the file on the left-hand side

    1. This will open the submissions view to view all submissions to that file

  5. Click on Edit to edit the submission

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