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Create & Manage Resources

Upload view-only files and share them with guardians

Molly Farber avatar
Written by Molly Farber
Updated over a week ago

Resources are a great way to upload files for guardians to view. This feature is often used to distribute school handbooks and other important school policies. Resources are exclusive to the Student paperwork tab.

Upload a New Resource

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  1. From the Admin Dashboard, navigate to Student Paperwork and then click Resources.

  2. Click the blue Create button and then click View only resource.

  3. Name your resource, add a description, and upload the file.

  4. Click the blue Create Resource button to save the resource.

💡 By default, view-only resources are visible to all guardians. Click here to learn how to edit the recipients of a view-only resource.

Edit Recipients of a Resource

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On the Resources tab of the Paperwork screen, click the three dots next to the resource you want to edit and then click Edit recipients. Resources can be visible to everyone or to specific groups. Select specific groups and then select the classrooms, programs, or listings you would like the resource to be visible to.

💡 If you would like to select guardians from a listing as document recipients, you must add this resource to the Required Document section of the listing itself.

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