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Create & Manage Forms

Create and edit forms for guardians to complete and manage submissions.

Stephanie Blitshtein avatar
Written by Stephanie Blitshtein
Updated this week

Forms are a group of questions to be completed by guardians. Forms are a great way to collect information from guardians. Form responses can also be downloaded as an easy-to-read CSV file.

💡 All forms, including Forms created through an enrollment listing, can be found by navigating to the Form tab at the top of the Paperwork screen.

Edit an Existing Form

  1. From the Admin Dashboard, click on the Paperwork tab on the left-hand side.

  2. Select the Form tab at the top of your screen and find the form you would like to edit. On the far right, click the three dots and then click Edit.

  3. You will be brought to the form editor page. Make the changes you would like and then click Continue through all pages to save your changes.

Create a New Form

  1. On the Admin Dashboard, navigate to the Paperwork tab on the left sidebar and click the Forms tab. You'll see all the forms you've created so far.

  2. Click the blue Create button in the top right corner of your screen and then click Form.

  3. Enter a name for the Form and select the recipients who should fill out this form. You can also edit the recipients later in the settings.

  4. Click Save to create your form. You will be brought to the form editor page, where you can add new fields, adjust your settings, and share the form with guardians. The following sections provide detailed instructions on setting up your PDF.

Add and Edit Fields to a Form

Add Fields

Add a new field by selecting the grey button that reads + Add Field.

There are several different response types. Expand the drop-downs below to learn more about each response type and view examples.

Short Text

Short text provides a small text box for parents to enter an answer.

This is what a short text question will look like when adding the field:

This is what a short text question will look like when a guardian is completing the form:

Long Text

Long text provides a large text box for parents to enter an answer.

This is what a long text question will look like when adding the field:

This is what a long text question will look like when a guardian is completing the form:

Prebuilt Response Types

Phone Number

This is what a phone number response type will look like when adding the field:

This is what a phone number response type will look like when a guardian is completing the form:


This is what an email response type will look like when adding the field:

This is what an email response type will look like when a guardian is completing the form:


When using a date field, guardians will be able to type a date or select a date from a calendar pop-up.

This is what a date response type will look like when adding the field:

This is what a date response type will look like when a guardian is completing the form:


Dropdowns provide a scrollable list of answers from which parents can select one.

This is what a dropdown will look like when adding the field:

You can add an "other" option by clicking the blue add "Other" text.

This is what a dropdown question will look like when a guardian is completing the form:

Single Choice

Single choice provides a list of answers where parents can select one.

This is what a single choice question will look like when adding the field:

You can add an "other" option by clicking the blue add "Other" text.

This is what a single choice question will look like when a guardian is completing the form:

Multiple Choice

Multiple choice provides a list of answers where parents can select multiple options.

This is what a multiple choice question will look like when adding the field:

You can add an "other" option by clicking the blue add "Other" text.

This is what a multiple choice question will look like when a guardian is completing the form:

Section Heading

Section headings can be used to organize a form with different sections.

This is what a section heading will look like when adding the field:

This is what a section heading will look like when a guardian is completing the form:


Signature creates a button that says click here to sign. The guardian will be prompted to draw their signature

This is what a signature will look like when adding the field. You can customize the text that appears above the signature field.

This is what a signature field will look like when a guardian is completing the form.

When the guardian clicks click here to sign, they will be prompted to draw their signature.


Prebuilt templates can be used to create a set of questions. There are two templates available:

Emergency Contact Template

By default, emergency contact templates require the contact's full name, pick-up authorization, relationship to student, and cell phone number. You can choose to also require the contact's work phone and address/

💡 You can replace the "emergency" text with any other text that you would like to appear instead of "emergency."

This is what an emergency template will look like when adding the field:

This is what the emergency template will look like when the guardian is completing the form:

Guardian Template

By default, guardian templates require the guardian's full name, relationship to student, email, and cell phone. You can also choose to require the guardian's work phone and address.

💡 You can replace the "guardian" text with "parent" or any other text that you would like to appear instead of "guardian."

You can also connect a custom field. Custom fields will be synced to a guardian's profile and will be displayed on their profile. If you already have custom fields added to guardian profiles, you can select them here. Otherwise, you can add a new custom field by clicking connect a custom field and then clicking create new custom field. See an example below:

Student Custom Field

If you have student custom fields set up, you can include them as a question type on your form.

In this example, we have a custom field for allergies.

This is what a student custom field will look like when adding the field.

This is what a signature field will look like when a guardian is completing the form.

💡 To see how the questions will appear to guardians, click on the Preview tab at the top of your screen.

Edit Fields

Questions can be duplicated or deleted using the two icons in the bottom right corner of the question. Every question can be toggled to be Required or not.

Fields can be reordered by clicking and dragging the grey dots on the left of the question.

Make a Question Conditional

A conditional question appears only if the guardian selects a specific answer to a previous question.

🚨 Only single-choice questions can be used to set a question's visibility.

  1. To make a question conditional, click the split arrow icon at the bottom right of the question. When you hover over this icon it will read "add visibility logic".

  2. When you select visibility logic, three additional questions will appear.

  3. Question visible if: Select the question in the drop-down menu that needs to be answered in order for this question to appear.

  4. Condition: You can use the following conditions to control the question's visibility

    • Equals: The conditional question will appear only if the user's response exactly matches the specified value.

    • Is Not Equal To: The conditional question will appear if the user's response does not match the specified value.

    • Is Empty: The conditional question will appear if the user leaves the answer blank.

    • Is Not Empty: The conditional question will appear if the user provides any answer.

  5. Equals: In this dropdown, a list of the answers to the conditional question will appear. Select an option from this list to be the "specified value."

    • In the screenshotted example above, if you select "Yes," the question will only appear if the guardian answers "Yes" to the allergy question.

  6. Preview your form to confirm that the conditional question is working as you expected.

Form Settings

At the top of your screen, select Settings. See the table below for an overview of all settings you can edit from this screen.

Form Name

Here you can add the form name. This will be visible to the guardians filling out the form.

Expiration Date

Add an expiration date to track when the form needs to be renewed.

Requires review by administrator

Toggle this setting on if responses should be marked as 'reviewed' by an administrator after they are submitted.

Limit to 1 response

Toggle this setting on if the guardian should only be able to submit this form once per student.

Allow response editing

Toggle this setting on if the guardian should be able to change their responses after submitting the form.

Make fields required by default

Toggle this on if you would like all new fields to be required by default.

Receive email notifications for each new submission

If you would like a staff member to receive an email when a form is submitted, add their email here by clicking edit.

Select the blue save changes button before leaving this screen.

Share a Form with Guardians

Click the blue share button in the top right corner of the screen.

Forms can either be filled out by Everyone, meaning all guardians in your dashboard, or by Specific groups of guardians. If you select Specific groups in the drop-down menu, you'll be prompted to select the groups of guardians who can complete the form. The specific groups are categorized by:

  • Classrooms

  • Programs

  • Listings

💡 If you would like to select guardians from a listing as document recipients, you will need to add this document to the Required document section of the listing itself. You cannot include individual guardians as document recipients; they must be in one of the categories.

If you would like to send the guardians an email reminder, select the checkbox that says send email reminder and then click next. On this screen, you will have the option to type a message. If you would like to send without a message, simply select send without message.

Share a Form with Ungrouped Students

You might encounter a situation where you need to send a form to students who aren't grouped by classroom. To share the form, you'll need to use programs. We've provided a detailed process below to help you achieve this goal.

Prefer to watch a video? Click here.

  1. From the Admin Dashboard, click on the My School tab and select Programs.

  2. Click on the blue + Add program button in the top right corner.

  3. After the program has been created, select it. You should be taken to a list of your students.

  4. Select the specific students you would like to send paperwork to and click the
    Enroll button.

  5. Navigate back to the Admin Dashboard, click on Paperwork, and select
    Student Paperwork.

  6. From the Forms tab, you can Edit any form by clicking the three dots on the right side.

  7. Click the blue Share button and select Specific Groups from the dropdown menu.

  8. Check off your new program and click Save. You will also have the option to send an email reminder if you would like.

View, Print, and Download Form Responses

Print Individual Form Responses as PDF Files

  1. From the Paperwork tab, find the form that you would like to view.

  2. Click the form to view an overview of all students who are assigned this document.

  3. Click the three dots next to the student's name and then click view.

  4. The document will open on your screen. You can view, download, and print it from here.

Download Form Responses as CSV Files

  1. Navigate to Forms from your Paperwork dashboard.

  2. Click on the form for which you would like to download responses.

  3. Click the white Download Responses button in the top right corner of your screen.

💡 Form responses will download as a ZIP file. Double-click the ZIP file to open the folder, containing a CSV file containing all the form responses. You will also see a folder containing CSV files with each student's responses.

Hiding inactive/older Forms

Year over year there is a good chance that your current paperwork will need an update, and you'll want to ensure that the older, out of date, information is not displayed to the Guardians and/or Staff. Hiding a file will remove the visibility from the Guardians and/or Staff, but you will still have the previous responses archived under the Filters in your Paperwork tab for Hidden files.

Hiding Forms

  1. Click on the Paperwork tab on the side navigation panel on the Admin dashboard

  2. Click on either Student paperwork or Staff paperwork depending on the file you wish to Hide

  3. Click into the Forms tab

  4. Click on the ellipsis(. . .)

  5. Click on Hide

Viewing hidden Forms

  1. Click on the Paperwork tab on the side navigation panel on the Admin dashboard

  2. Click on either Student paperwork or Staff paperwork depending on the file type and whom it was shared with

  3. Click into the Forms tab

  4. Click on the Filter

  5. Click on the dropdown labeled as Visibility

  6. Click on, and select, Hidden

  7. Click Done next to the filters to confirm

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