Forms are a powerful tool for collecting information from leads. You can share them on your website, social media, or other platforms to engage with potential leads and gather essential details. When a parent completes a form, they will be added to your CRM and you can start engaging with them!
When a guardian fills out a form, the information they provide is automatically saved to the lead's profile. If the lead progresses to CCMS, any data mapped to the system will seamlessly transfer. This streamlined process reduces the need for parents to re-enter information, saving time and effort while ensuring a smooth experience for managing student details.
Create a Form
From your CRM Dashboard, navigate to Forms on the left sidebar.
Click the blue New Form button.
Enter a name for your form.
Guardian Name, Guardian Email, Student Name and Student Birthday are required fields and are already included when creating a new form. These fields cannot be deleted.
Click Guardian(s) to edit or add additional guardian property fields. The Add Guardian Property drop down will list the remaining properties associated with guardians to choose from.
Select which property you want to add to the form.
The Label is the text that will appear on the form prompting entry for that property. (For example: if the Property is Source, the Label might be "How did you hear about us?").
Click Students(s) to edit or add additional student property fields to the form.
Click + Add Lead Property to add any lead property fields to the form.
Form properties and associations (guardian, student, lead) can be reordered by dragging and dropping them to a different place in the list.
If there is no "+ Add property" option for an association, it means no additional properties exist for that association.
Click the Settings tab at the top of the form builder. Adjust the settings for your form.
Designate the default stage for new leads.
Indicate the submission completion result (Submission Options). If you chose to show a success page, write a title and subtitle for the page. If you chose to redirect to URL, provide the URL they will be taken to.
Click the Preview tab at the top of the form builder to review your form. Leads will be able to add additional guardians or students when filling out the form.
When previewed and published, the form automatically gives the option to + Add another guardian and/or student. The same guardian/student associated properties that were asked for the first guardian/student will be asked again (and will be required or optional accordingly). There is no limit to how many additional guardians or students can be added.
Click Save and Exit to save your form. Your form will now appear in the form list.
💡 If you want to add a property to your form but do not see it as an option, it will first need to be created as a custom property in Settings.
Manage Your Form & Submissions
View Form Details
Navigate to Forms on the left sidebar.
Click on the specific form you would like to see the details and submissions for.
A page will open with specific details about the form you selected. Here you will see the number of views, number of forms started, and number of forms submitted. You will also see a list of form submissions by Lead Name and the time it was Submitted at.
Click on a specific form response listing to view the submission details. A side window will open with lead's responses to the form properties.
If desired, you can click the Print button to print the specific responses of the selected submission.
💡 Form responses are automatically added to Leads. New submissions create a new lead, while submissions from existing leads update the lead profile, matched by guardian email or phone number.
Download Form Submissions CSV
Navigate to Forms on the left sidebar.
Click on the specific form you would like to download the responses of.
Click the Download button in the top right corner.
A window will open allowing you to specify if you want to download All responses or only responses within a specific Date range.
Once you have specified which responses you would like to download, click Download. A CSV file of the form responses will be downloaded onto your device.
Click Cancel to exit the Download responses window.
Edit Your Form
Navigate to Forms on the left sidebar.
Click the three dots of the specific form you would like edit. Click Edit.
Click Save and exit once you have completed your edits.
🚨 Adding a new property to an existing form will leave it empty for past submissions. Deleting a property will remove its data from previous submissions.
Enterprise Site Forms
If you have an enterprise subscription to CRM, you are able to specify which site(s) a form will be accessible by. On the Forms page, each form you have created will specify its Access Level and Assigned Site.
Access Level | tells you if the form was created and is accessible at the enterprise level (All Sites) or if only one site created and has access to that specific form (Single Site) |
Assigned Site | tells you which site specifically the form will assign leads to (the default is No site assigned) |
You can change which Assigned Site a form with an Access Level of All Sites is assigned to by clicking Edit for the form you would like to updated, then Settings at the top of the form editor. Assigned site for new leads will have a drop down of the sites within your enterprise subscription. If you do not want to specify a site, select No site assigned (the default).
Share Your Form
Forms can be shared via link. This link can be placed on your website or shared on your social media. Forms can also be embedded on your website via embed code.
Share Link
This method enables you to copy the public form link to your clipboard and share it anywhere. You can add this to buttons on your website, link it on your social media, or even turn it into a QR code to print out on fliers.
Navigate to Forms on the left sidebar.
Click on the three dots of the form you want to share then click Copy Link. The link will be copied to your clipboard.
Embed Code
Leads would directly see and interact with your form inside your own webpage like it's part of your website.
Navigate to Forms on the left sidebar.
Click on the three dots of the form you want to share then click Copy embed code. This will open an Embed Form window.
Click Copy Code to copy the code to your clipboard. This can then be pasted into your own website.