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Create & Manage Programs

How to add, edit, and delete programs, program enrollment, & program attendance

Josh Andrews avatar
Written by Josh Andrews
Updated over a week ago

Programs are a powerful way of grouping and organizing students. While students can only be assigned to one classroom at a time, they can be in as many programs as needed.

Create a program

  1. Navigate to the Programs tab on the Administrator Dashboard and click Add program.

  2. The Add program window will open with the following criteria to enter or toggle:

    1. Program name

    2. Active Program toggle: if enabled, the program will be visible in the app for you to enroll students into

    3. Guardian self check-in toggle: if enabled, guardians can check their students into a program immediately after signing their student in.

      1. This is typically used if programs offer daily lunch or extended care options that families can sign up for the same day.

  3. Choose from four different types of fees to add to a program:

    1. No fee: for programs that are free or purely organizational

    2. Flat fee per check-in: a one-time price for every time the student is checked into this specific program. For example, hot lunch is $5 every time it is ordered.

    3. Time based rate: dollar amount per minute of being checked into the program. For example, after school care (note that there are typically easier ways to track and bill for overage fees)

    4. Enrollment fee: a one time fee to be enrolled in the program. For example, soccer club or paying for access to extended care for the year.

Edit, duplicate, or delete a program

You can edit, duplicate, or delete a program at any time from the Programs tab of the admin dashboard.

Edit program

  1. From the Programs tab, click the (. . .) to open the action menu.

  2. Click Edit.

  3. Make any updates and when ready, click Save.

Duplicate program

  1. From the Programs tab, click the (. . .) to open the action menu.

  2. Click Clone.

  3. Make any updates to the name, description, settings, or fee structure.

  4. When ready, click Save to create the new program.

Delete program

  1. From the Programs tab, click the (. . .) to open the action menu.

  2. Click Delete.

  3. Confirm you'd like to delete the program by clicking Delete on the confirmation pop up. This action cannot be undone.

Enroll & unenroll a student in a program

From the Program tab

  1. Once the program has been created, click on the program from the Programs tab.

  2. Click Enroll Student.

  3. Type the names of all the students you wish to enroll and select them from the dropdown.

    1. You can add as many students as you'd like to each program.

    2. Even if a student is not enrolled in a specific program, you can still check them into that program on the mobile app. Enrollment is just for your own records to track sign ups (for shirts, fields trips, other programs, etc.), or if you have an enrollment fee set up on the program.

  4. If your program has an enrollment fee associated with it, approve the fees under Fee Approvals.

  5. To unenroll, click the checkbox to select one or multiple students.

  6. Click Unenroll.

    1. If enrollment fees were incurred, this will not delete the charge.

From a student's profile

  1. From the Admin Dashboard, click onto the student you'd like to enroll in a program.

  2. Scroll down to the Programs section and click Enroll in another program.

  3. The Edit student's programs screen will pop up for you to select the program from the drop-down. You can enroll the student in multiple programs at one time.

    1. To remove a program, click Remove.

  4. Once completed, click Enroll.

    1. If there are any enrollment fees, the charge will be assessed as a Fee Approval.

  5. To unenroll, click on the ellipses (. . .) of the program's name and click Unenroll.

    1. If enrollment fees were incurred, this will not delete the charge.

Program attendance

Program attendance can be utilized to record the amount of time a child has spent in a program or the number of times they are checked into a program. Depending on your program type, you may or may not have certain fee structures set up. The instructions below explain how to add, edit, and delete program attendance.

Add program attendance from the Admin Dashboard

  1. From the Admin Dashboard's Students tab, click on the student's name from the roster.

  2. Under the student profile, scroll down to the Programs section and click Record day.

  3. Select the program for the attendance.

  4. Select the date of attendance.

  5. Add optional check-in and check-out times.

  6. When done, click Save.

Add program attendance from the mobile app

  1. Login to the Playground mobile app.

  2. Tap on the menu icon in the top left corner

  3. Tap Programs

  4. Tap on the program you'd like to record attendance for.

  5. Tap the checkmarks to the right of the student's name that you'd like to check-in to the program. The checkmark should turn blue.

  6. To check-out a student from the program, tap the blue checkmark so that it turns gray again.

Edit program attendance

  1. From the Admin Dashboard's Students tab, click on the student's name from the roster.

  2. Under the student profile, scroll down to the Programs section and click Click to show program attendance records under Logs to see all recorded program check-ins.

  3. Click the three dots to the right of the check-in that needs to be updated.

  4. Click the clock symbol to the right of the check-in or check-out time you'd like to edit and adjust the time.

  5. Once updated, click Save.

Delete program attendance

  1. From the Admin Dashboard's Students tab, click on the student's name from the roster.

  2. Under the student profile, scroll down to the Programs section and click Click to show program attendance records under Logs to see all recorded program check-ins.

  3. Click the three dots to the right of the check-in that is incorrect

  4. Click Delete to remove the program attendance entry.

    1. If program attendance fees were incurred, this will not delete the charge.

Viewing program enrollment & attendance

  1. From the Programs tab, click on the program name.

  2. This view will show you all students along with whether they are currently checked into the program or not along with whether they are enrolled in the program or not.

    1. Use the search bar to locate specific kids.

    2. Use Filters to organize the view by classroom, enrollment status, student status, or by other program enrollment status.

    3. Print or Download view to export the view either as a printable file or as a CSV Excel spreadsheet.

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