Fee Approvals

Overage charges and program enrollment fees must be approved or waived by an admin in the Admin Dashboard.

Stephanie Blitshtein avatar
Written by Stephanie Blitshtein
Updated over a week ago

Login to the Admin Dashboard and click on Billing and then Fee Approvals. You'll notice two tabs: one for Overages, and one for Program enrollments. No overages or program fees will ever be charged automatically as they are considered pending charges until they are charged, or forgiven, from this page. "Charge" will bill the guardians and "Forgive" will remove the pending charge.


Overage charges are calculated based on your Scheduling Settings. You can find your scheduling settings by clicking on "Settings" on the left hand side of the Admin Dashboard and then on the "Scheduling" tab at the top. Your overage billing rate must first be setup before overages can be charged.

Once your rate has been set, Playground will start to calculate overage charges for students based on their attendance times.

  • In the example above, the center charges $1/minute of overtime with a 0 minute grace period. This means that for every extra minute, beyond a student's regular scheduled time, the guardians should be charged $1/minute.

View overages for students and families

When navigating to the Fee Approvals and the Overages tab, you can search for a specific student, select a specific week, or filter by classroom. You'll be able to see the total amount of overtime per day for each student and the fee associated with that time. Once you've selected your criteria, you will click "Charge" or "Forgive" near each student's name.

Create bulk charges for overages

Click on the checkboxes next to the students you will want to create charges for. If you want to create a charge for all students on this list, then you will want to select the checkbox in the gray search bar.

When you've checked the correct entries you would like to create a charge for, you will notice that the gray search bar will update to include the "Charge" option. Click on "Charge".

You will notice the status of the entries update from "Pending" to "Charged".

Program enrollments

If a program has a fee associated with it, the Fee Approvals and Program enrollments tabs will allow you to charge the pending fee, and they will list each student that is enrolled in a program that charges a fee. You will see which program the student is enrolled in and the fee associated with it. Just like the Overages tab, select to "Charge" or "Forgive" each program enrollment fee.

Create bulk charges for program enrollments

Click on the checkboxes next to the students you will want to create charges for. If you want to create a charge for all students on this list, then you will want to select the checkbox in the gray search bar.

Click "Charge" to bill the families for their program enrollments.

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