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Sign Into the Playground app
Sign Into the Playground app

Sign into the app as a parent, teacher, or administrator

Daniel Andrews avatar
Written by Daniel Andrews
Updated over a month ago

You've already created an account and you now want to sign in to the app.

To sign in on the website, visit

For the app, your first step is to download either the iPhone or Android app.

Once you download the app onto your phone, you can sign in using the login you created when you signed up for the app. Open up the Playground app on your phone and you should see the following screen.

Enter your email and password. If your email is not properly formatted you will see a red outline letting you know that you entered it incorrectly.

Press sign in once all of your information has been entered.

If you get an error saying that you have an invalid password or that your email cannot be found, double check your email is correct and that your password is correct by pressing on the "eye" icon on the right side of the password input. If you still receive an error, you most likely did not create an account using the email sent from Playground. Please check your Spam folder for the email.

If you forgot your password, check out our guide on resetting your password.

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