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How to Pay as a Family

A guide to paying a balance through the Payments feature on the Parent App.

Sasha Reiss avatar
Written by Sasha Reiss
Updated over 4 months ago

As your center adds invoices to your family balance, you'll see these new charges and your total outstanding balance in the Billing Portal on the Parent App. In order to pay a balance through the Parent App, you'll need to either add a credit or debit card or link a bank account to your account.

Watch a video or read below for instructions

How to pay using the mobile app

  1. On the Home screen of the Parent App, open the menu icon in the top left corner.

  2. Tap Billing to reach the Billing Portal screen.

    1. Here, at the top of the screen, you'll see your family's current balance; you can also view individual invoices by tapping on "Statements."

    2. If your balance is greater than zero, a "Pay now" button will be visible beneath "Current Balance."

  3. Tap Pay now.

  4. Enter the amount you'd like to pay.

  5. If you have more than one payment method on your account, you can select which one you would like to use.

  6. Tap Review payment at the bottom to reach the Confirm Payment screen.

  7. Check that your payment amount, method, and date are correct. If you would like to make changes, tap the caret on the upper left of the screen to return to the Create Payment screen.

  8. When ready to pay, tap Pay at the bottom of the screen.

    1. You'll receive a confirmation that your payment has been submitted

  9. Tap Home to exit

How to pay using the dashboard

Log in to Playground on either a Safari or Chrome window. Click on the Billing tab on the left hand side. Click the blue "Make payment" button to the right of your balance amount.

The Create A New Payment window will open, where you can select the payment method, input the amount you'd like to pay, and see a summary of the payment with processing fees. Once these sections are completed, click the blue Charge button in the bottom right corner. Once completed, you'll see a green success notification at the top of your screen.

Split Payments for siblings

Split payments allow you to pay for multiple students' charges with one transaction. Once charges have been added to both of your student's accounts, you can log into the Playground app and select the Billing tab.

The Billing Portal will show your total current balance for all students. From the Billing Portal screen, you'll be able to select if you'd like to enroll in autopay. Check out this article to learn more about autopay. You will also be able to select or add a payment method and view past statements. At the bottom of the Billing Portal screen, you can see an itemized list of charges that make up your current balance.

When you are ready to make the payment, click "Pay Now" under the current balance and due date at the top of the screen.

The Create Payment screen will show you itemized charges per student and their due dates. You will be able to enter an amount per student.

Once completed, select your payment method and click Review Payment at the bottom.

You will be taken to the Confirm Payment screen where you can verify the amount of the payment you are submitting per student, any processing fees, the total, payment method, and date. Once everything looks accurate, click the Pay button at the bottom of the screen.

The final screen of the split payments feature will show you a confirmation of the total amount you just paid.

Two parents paying for a single student

Two parents are able to pay towards a single student's tuition. Both parents will need to be added as primary guardians in Playground. Each parent will add their own payment method. Parents are able to see other primary guardian's payment methods and last four digits of the account or card number. Full account details or credit card numbers will not be displayed. Parents will pay towards the student's current balance. Each parent can enter the specific amount they'd like to pay. Parents using this method of paying for a student's tuition should not be enrolled in auto-pay. End of year tax documents will show payments made with each payment method per family.

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