Billing: Add Charges

Create charges for your students

Stephanie Blitshtein avatar
Written by Stephanie Blitshtein
Updated over a week ago

Set Billing Frequencies

Go to the Settings menu and click on the Payments tab at the top. You will be navigated to your center's payment settings menu. The default billing frequency your dashboard is set to either Monthly or Weekly, and you will want to update this via the dropdown menu found there. If you bill on both frequencies, select the most common.

Individual and bulk student billing frequency updates

You can edit any specific student's billing frequency from their personal settings tab on their student profile. To bulk edit multiple students' billing frequencies, click on the Billing tab and then on Overview. Click the blue "Create charge" button in the top right corner. Select the students who need their billing frequency updated by checking the box to the left of their name (updating one sibling's billing frequency will update the entire family's frequency). Click "Edit billing frequency in the gray header bar at the top of the roster. The Bulk update billing frequency screen will pop up where you can select either Weekly or Monthly frequency from the drop-down menu. Click "Update" when completed.

Create Billable Items

Under the Billing tab, click "Overview" and scroll all the way down to the Saved items section. Create items for common billable items that you bill for by clicking "Create new item" to the right.

Create Charges

Weekly Billing

Click "Create charge" in the top right corner of the Overview or Statements tab. When selecting students, make sure to select students on the Weekly billing frequency. When adding a billable item, select "Weekly" or "Every other week" in the This charge will occur field.

Monthly Billing

Click "Create charge" in the top right corner of the Overview or Statements tab. When selecting students, make sure to select students on the Monthly billing frequency. When adding a billable item, select "Monthly" in the This charge will occur field.

View a Student's Charges

Click on a student from the Students tab. Click "Payments" from their student profile tab. View the overview at the top. To specifically see charges to the student, select the Debits tab. To view payments from the student, select the Credits tab.

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