Getting started
Daniel Andrews avatarStephanie Blitshtein avatarJosh Andrews avatar
4 authors33 articles
Admin Dashboard WalkthroughA general overview of our Admin Dashboard.
Create a new documentCreate a new fillable PDF document on the Paperwork tab
Welcome to PlaygroundBookmark this page to refer back to as you set up your Admin Dashboard.
Playground glossaryCommon Playground terminology.
Prepare for the first day of schoolFollow this guide to make sure your students, guardians, and you are prepared for the upcoming school year!
First day of schoolHelpful tips and resources for your first day!
Onboarding FAQFrequently asked questions about the transition to Playground.
Getting started with BillingSign up for Playground online payments
Introduction letter for parentsInform parents of the center's switch to the Playground app and let them know the next steps to take.
Iowa Home Child Care Onboarding
Add a centerAdd an additional location to your Playground account.
Adding events on Playground calendarHow to add an event on the admin dashboard
How to add taxpayer identification numberGenerate valid payment receipts for tax purposes
Administrator App Walkthrough Video
How to set up multiple Playground accounts for one personIf an individual is both a staff member and parent, you'll be able to link their accounts to one username and password.
Food program management FAQManage all of your student's meals and subsidies in Playground.
Procare migrationExport student data from Procare in order to migrate into Playground.
How to add a classAdd a classroom to the Admin Dashboard
Procare Staff Roster Download
Brightwheel migrationExport student data from Brightwheel in order to migrate into Playground.
Onboarding guideA detailed guide for setting up your center in Playground.
Creating a Playground schoolHow to create a new Playground school
How to set up a programExtracurricular activities can be managed as Programs through the Administrator Dashboard.
Enterprise accounts
In-Home Onboarding ResourcesResources for ensuring your future success on Playground
Sandbox migrationExport student data from Sandbox in order to migrate into Playground.
Add multiple students manually
Adding multiple studentsUpload students to Playground in bulk.
Upload multiple students via roster
Switching from a center admin to an enterprise admin
What resets in my dashboard each day?
Introduction letter for staffInform staff members of the center's switch Playground and let them know the next steps to take.
Enterprise onboarding guideHow to get started as a multi-site Admin or Owner