Invite guardians to Playground
Stephanie Blitshtein avatar
Written by Stephanie Blitshtein
Updated over a week ago

Guardians can only be invited to Playground via email. A guardian cannot begin using the Parent App without first activating their Playground account via a sign-up email. Sign-up emails may go to spam so if you've sent an email to a guardian and they have not received it, please ask them to check their email spam folder.

Inviting a new guardian

Once you've completed adding a new student or new guardian, a pop-up will appear to ask whether you would like to send a sign-up email to the newly added guardian. Click the "Send sign-up email" button to invite them to create a Playground account.

Reinvite an existing guardian

From the Guardians tab of the Admin Dashboard, find the guardian you'd like to reinvite to create a Playground account. Click the three dots to the right of their name. You'll have two options of inviting the guardian:

  • Sign-up Link: immediately emails the guardian from Playground

  • Copy Sign-up Link: copies the link to create an account for this specific guardian so you can paste it into a text or email you send to the guardian

Invite guardians in bulk

To invite all guardians who have not created an account yet in bulk, click the blue "Send sign-up link" button at the top of the Guardians tab. This will email an invite to all uninvited guardians.

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