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Staff Roles

Manage your staff's access in Playground by assigning them permissions with roles.

Adrian Ruiz avatar
Written by Adrian Ruiz
Updated over a week ago

Locate roles within Playground

Click on Settings in the bottom right of your view, and then click on Roles. You will be directed to the Roles & Permissions dashboard.

Default roles

Default roles include the Administrator and Teacher roles.



Anyone who needs full access to the Admin Dashboard and Playground app. This user can see and manage everything.

This role is for anyone who signs students in/out, communicates with families, and records student activity. They can’t access billing or enrollment.

Some of what this role can do:

  • Create, view, edit, delete charges and credits

  • Create, view, edit, delete students and guardians

  • Create, view, edit, delete staff

  • Create, view, edit, delete student paperwork

  • Create, view, edit, unpublish enrollment listings

  • Accept, waitlist, reject applicants

  • Track staff time sheets

  • Create, view, edit reports

  • Create, view, edit, delete programs

  • Create, view, edit, delete attendance logs

Some of what this role can do:

  • View roster and student profiles

  • Check students in and out

  • Message families and staff

  • Create announcement posts

  • Record student activity

Some of what this role cannot do:

  • Billing

  • Enrollment

  • Create, edit, delete students, guardians, or staff

  • View enrollment dashboard

  • View other staff profiles

Create new, customized roles for your center's needs

Playground's Roles & Permissions dashboard which can be accessed through the Roles tab in Settings is designed to let you have the ability to customize and create new roles based on your specific needs. Before we dive in to creating a role, let's cover what "Read" and "Write" mean when it comes to creating roles.



Allows a view-only access

Allows the user to access, edit, update, and create

In this example, we will create a Billing Administrator role. Click on the "Add new role" button to begin.

You will be directed to the Create new role view where you can add a name for this new role and select a "Role type". You will want to select the role that fits this user best: Teacher or Administrator. For this example, we will title the role "Billing Administrator" and select the Role type as "Administrator".

Once the role name and type have been entered, we can progress to the next sections. As mentioned previously, the Read and Write option will dictate what the role can and cannot do. Since we're creating a Billing Administrator role, we'll want to update these permissions.

By default, all of the permissions for the Administrator role will be enabled. We'll want to work our way down this list to ensure our new Billing Administrator role has access to what they need, and cannot access what is not needed for their duties.

We've removed the ability for the Billing Administrator role to view (Read) and update a field(Write) on a student's profile. They will only be able to view the student's settings page. We've also removed the ability to view paperwork for Immunizations and Assessments; our Billing Administrator will not need to view or edit that information for their duties. Using this same process, complete the rest of the Read and Write sections.

Once we've completed updating the Read and Write permissions, navigate to the top of the page and click "Add role".

You will notice your new role be added to the default Teacher and Administrator roles in the Roles & Permissions dashboard.

Assign your new role

To assign your new role, please navigate to your Staff tab under My School.

Locate the staff member you wish to assign the new role to. In this example we will be selecting Jeff Golden. Click on the ellipsis(. . .) next to Jeff Golden's entry and select "Edit" from the dropdown menu.

You will be directed to the Edit staff member window. Locate the "Role" field and click into it to open a dropdown menu of available roles. Select your created new role. For our example, we will select the Billing Administrator role.

Click "Save" to confirm the new role. You will notice the staff member's entry update to reflect the new role.

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