Email subscription management

Subscribe or unsubscribe guardians from emails

Adrian Ruiz avatar
Written by Adrian Ruiz
Updated over a week ago

View a record of sent emails sent via Playground

The email subscription management tool allows you to view a record of all emails sent via Playground. You will be able to check on:

  1. the date and time the email was sent to the guardian

  2. the title/subject of the email

  3. the status of that email to ensure it was successfully delivered or to view if it bounced

  4. the amount of times the email was opened by the guardian

  5. when the guardian most recently opened and viewed your email

Locate the email history for guardians

Click on Guardians located under My School. Use the gray search bar to search for the specific guardian you wish to view the email subscription status for.

Once you have located the specific guardian entry, click on their name to view their profile. You will want to scroll down the page until you locate the Email History section.

Click on the blue "Click to load email history" button located under Email History.

You will notice the guardian's current email history populate as well as two new fields on the right hand side. These will indicate the current status of the subscription and the available action.

Click on the "action" to update the current status. We can see from the image below that this guardian is now unsubscribed from emails. Click on the action button to re-subscribe them.

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