Enterprise-level billing

Billing for admins with multiple centers.

Stephanie Blitshtein avatar
Written by Stephanie Blitshtein
Updated over a week ago

From your Enterprise-level Admin Dashboard, you will be able to:

  • Add Saved items and discounts across multiple centers that have the same pricing

  • View Payouts for all centers in one spot

Items & discounts

The benefit of adding Saved items & discounts on the enterprise-level is to avoid adding in the same prices multiple times on different centers. By adding Saved items or discounts here, you can add them one time and assign them to multiple sites. To begin, click on the "Create new item" button on the right hand side of the Billing Items & discounts tab. The Create saved item window will appear. Name the item as specific as possible so that the price is easily identifiable in a list. For example, a good name would be "Infants Part Time". Enter the price, GL code, and mark if it is tax deductible. If this price is consistent across all centers in your enterprise, toggle "Assign to all sites". If not, select the specific sites that this item applies to in the Select sites drop-down list.


The enterprise-level Payouts tab will look very similar to the individual dashboard's Payouts tab. It will have a line item per deposit to your bank account. When clicking into an enterprise-level payout, you will be able to see the total amount deposited into your account and from which center this total is comprised of.

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